Reasons for Braces and Orthodontic Treatment

Chỉnh nha tại Nha Khoa Hoàng Bảo

The reasons for braces and orthodontic treatment vary from patient to patient. Approximately 3 million American and Canadian teens have braces, with the number of adults beginning orthodontic treatment rising at a steady rate. Your dentist will typically be the first person to mention orthodontic treatment, and will likely send you or your loved one […]

what are the different types of orthodontic treatment?

Niềng răng mặt lưỡi

Orthodontics involves straightening and realigning the teeth and jaw, to improve someone’s smile and dental wellbeing. Treatments can be used to straighten teeth, correct an irregular bite and close gaps between the teeth. This process is done by using braces, which are fixed within the mouth for a set period and are followed by wearing retainers. […]


Crooked or crooked wisdom teeth are quite common in adults. This condition is not only painful and uncomfortable, but also many cases of wisdom teeth erupting, causing dangerous complications for oral health.   Gingivitis over wisdom teeth: When the wisdom teeth are misaligned, it often causes the condition of the gums. At this time, the […]

How Stress & Anxiety can Cause TMJ Disorder ?

Since COVID-19 was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, many people have experienced an increase in stress. Many are concerned about it’s socio-economic and emotional impact. Stress and anxiety is a normal part of life, especially amidst a pandemic. However, experiencing    it chronically can unfortunately increase your risk of developing other problems, such as […]