How Stress & Anxiety can Cause TMJ Disorder ?

Since COVID-19 was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, many people have experienced an increase in stress. Many are concerned about it’s socio-economic and emotional impact. Stress and anxiety is a normal part of life, especially amidst a pandemic. However, experiencing    it chronically can unfortunately increase your risk of developing other problems, such as your dental health.


Stress & Anxiety Can Lead to TMJ Disorder

  • Stress and anxiety are your body’s natural way of reacting to difficult situations, and when persistent, can be detrimental to your health. Common symptoms of stress can be an inability to sleep, headaches, teeth grinding, and muscle pain.
  • Because of the common link between stress and teeth grinding, it is easy to develop TMJ disorder as a result. Dr. Meyer explains that temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) can develop over time. This is as a result of restless, stress-induced sleep where you are grinding your teeth and jaw clenching unconsciously. Constant wear and tear can misalign your jaw and cause chronic neck and muscle strain as well. When you’re in constant pain and lacking quality sleep, your body remains in a heightened state of stress. creating a vicious cycle.
  • TMJ disorder can be physically and emotionally hard on you and the people around you. However, TMJ treatment is possible and your suffering does not need to continue.

Recommended Treatments for Your TMJ Disorder

Hoang Bao dental clinic, we believe that TMJ disorder and its symptoms, such as night grinding, can be improved and treated non-invasively. While we can’t guarantee a complete cure, making positive lifestyle changes can aid TMJ treatment and your health in general.

  1. Relax the Jaw Muscles

Headaches and jaw pain are often a sign of TMJ disorder and treatment often depends on how severe your case is. However, a TMJ disorder can be treated. Most often, this is with the relaxation of the jaw muscles and frequent use of a mouthguard. This can help in repositioning your jaw muscles into a more natural state with time and lessen the impact of grinding and clenching in your sleep.

  1. Massage and Stretches

Gentle massage and stretching of the jaw and neck muscles can help ease the pain and also help relax your body that may be tense from stress.

Contact for consultation and history setup:


Address: No. 9-11 Ong Ich Khiem, Ward 10, District 11, Ho Chi Minh City

Phone: (84-28) 38589787

(Show at Hoang Bao Dental Clinic without branches)