Wisdom tooth extraction and issues you need to know about wisdom teeth


  • To have wisdom teeth removed, expect to spend between $50 and $1,500 per tooth.
  • Erupted teeth are usually the least costly to extract.
  • Prices vary greatly depending on the details of the procedure.

Your third molars — also known as your wisdom teeth — are the last teeth to emerge into your mouth. When they’re healthy and aligned correctly, these teeth usually don’t require special care.

Then why are about 10 million wisdom teeth removed every year in the U.S.? Often, it’s because there’s just not enough room for them in the mouth. In such cases, they’re more likely to be impacted (stuck beneath the gumline).

Wisdom teeth can cause problems by:

  • Crowding other teeth or making them crooked
  • Damaging adjacent teeth
  • Developing cysts in the mouth that can harm the jaw
  • Causing inflammation and cavities

But just because extracting wisdom teeth is common doesn’t mean it’s inexpensive. Wisdom teeth removal costs quickly add up, especially if your teeth are impacted.

How much does wisdom teeth removal cost without insurance?

For simple extractions of erupted teeth, you can expect to spend between $200 and $700 per tooth, with $300 being the average.

What factors affect how much you’ll pay for wisdom teeth removal?

Your out-of-pocket costs for wisdom teeth removal depend on many different factors:

    1.Condition of your tooth

Erupted teeth are the ones that have fully emerged out of the gums. They’re simpler to remove because the dentist or oral surgeon has easy access.

By contrast, impacted teeth are partially or completely stuck under the gum or in the jawbone. Your surgeon won’t be able to simply numb the area and pull your tooth out. Instead, they may need to give you sedation and then make an incision in your gum tissue to reach the tooth. Removing impacted teeth requires more resources, time, and skill — which adds up to a higher cost.

    2.Number of teeth needing extraction

As noted above, extractions are priced per tooth. So, if only one of your wisdom teeth is causing you trouble, it’ll cost less than having all four of them taken out. Your dentist will let you know which teeth have to go and which ones are optional.

    3.Type of anesthesia

During the procedure, dentists typically use local anesthesia to numb the area around your troublesome teeth. The cost of your extraction typically includes local anesthesia, so you shouldn’t be charged extra for it.

However, local anesthesia isn’t your only option. You can also choose sedation through medications, an IV line, or a mask (such as with nitrous oxide, aka laughing gas). Sedation can help you stay calm and relaxed during surgery. It’s sometimes used in addition to local anesthesia.

If you have multiple impacted wisdom teeth, your dentist may prefer to perform the extractions while you’re under general anesthesia. This means you’ll have IV medication to keep you asleep.

    4.Age of patient

Wisdom tooth removal tends to cost more when you’re older. Older adults have denser bones, which can make surgery more difficult. And the more complex the surgery is, the more it’s going to cost. When you’re a teen or young adult, the bones in your mouth are softer, which makes surgery easier.

    5.Where do you live

You’ll usually pay more for wisdom tooth removal in large cities when compared to other locations.

Will insurance cover the full cost of wisdom teeth removal?

Dental insurance usually doesn’t cover the entire cost of your extraction. In most cases, you’ll be responsible for paying a percentage of the bill, with the insurance company covering the rest.

   Some other expenses, such as:

  • The initial exam: You’ll need this plus a set of X-rays before the oral surgeon removes your teeth. You can expect to pay about $100 for the exam and $100 to $250 for the X-rays.

  Potential complications that cost extra

   Dry socket: This is one of the most common complications of wisdom teeth removal. It occurs when the blood clot that forms in your socket after surgery dislodges early. If you have a dry socket, you’ll likely need to return to the dentist. They’ll apply a special zinc oxide paste that costs the provider $50 or less.

   Infection: If your wisdom tooth was infected, your dentist might prescribe antibiotics such as amoxicillin, clindamycin or Augmentin.

Contact for consultation and history setup:


Address: No. 9-11 Ong Ich Khiem, Ward 10, District 11, Ho Chi Minh City

Phone: (84-28) 38589787

(Show at Hoang Bao Dental Clinic without branches)