Implant Dentistry
Implant replacement for full upper and lower jaw
The conventional method of replacing all the teeth in a jaw is with a complete denture. If the jaw bone does not provide sufficient support, sometimes surgical procedures can be done to improve support and retention for the complete denture. These surgical procedures can include moving the position of muscle attachments or placing bone grafts.
A complete denture rests on the gums. In the upper jaw it also rests on the roof of the mouth. In addition to chewing forces being spread over a larger area, forces that might tend to dislodge the denture are offset by a suction which forms between it and the roof of the mouth. this suction helps to keep the denture in place. Most people are able to adapt reasonably well to an upper complete denture. However, a lower complete denture is considerably more difficult to wear. The forces are applied over a smaller area and due to the movements of the tongue a suction usually can not be developed.
The constant pressure on the gums under the dentures can cause slow changes in the underlying bone which result in the dentures losing their fit. For this reason complete dentures should be professionally examined at regular intervals, and when the tissues show sufficient change, the dentures should be relined, rebased, or remade, depending on the specific conditions. When improperly fitted dentures continue to be worn, the pressure may result in excessive bone loss. Under these circumstances, implants may be the treatment of choice.
Implants may be placed at selected sites to help retain a prothesis
Overdenture and Bar Abutment
Overdenture and Ball Abutment