Dental bridges

• – Who is a candidate for dental bridges?
• – Types of Dental Bridges
• – Fix Bridges Procedure
• – Caring for Your Bridge
When teeth are missing and there are teeth on either side of the space a bridge is the ideal way to replace the missing teeth. Replacement teeth can be attached to two crowns constructed for the two teeth on either side of the open space.
When teeth naturally designed to support each other are missing
The space left from missing teeth may cause one of several problems. Teeth may drift into the space changing your bite. This may result in sore jaws, gum disease, or decay (due to more difficult hygiene).
These can include;
• The tooth opposing the missing tooth can start to extrude from its socket.
• The missing tooth can cause chewing problems.
• Problems can develop with the TMJ.
It is much harder to clean the teeth that have shifted, and this may cause further tooth loss through the advancement of periodontal disease or tooth decay.

Who is a candidate for dental bridges?
All of your teeth play an important role in speaking, chewing and maintaining proper alignment of other teeth.
Restoring oral functionality is the most important reason for a bridge. If you have missing teeth and have good oral hygiene practices, you should discuss this procedure with your cosmetic dentist.
Bridges are not removable by the patient. As with other types of crowns , a bridge can be made of metal, porcelain fuse metal, or a combination of these two or all ceramic. In areas of your mouth that are under less stress, such as your front teeth, a cantilever bridge may be used. Cantilever bridges are used when there are teeth on only one side of the open space.
Types of Dental Bridges
Bridges can be constructed from gold alloys, non-precious alloys, porcelain, or a combination of these materials. Porcelain is often bonded to either precious or non-precious metal. There are three types of dental bridges:
1. Traditional Fixed Bridges
Fix Bridges Procedure

A dental bridge is a false tooth, known as a pontic, which is fused between two crowns to fill in the area left by a missing tooth. There two crowns holding it in place that are attached onto your teeth on each side of the false tooth. This is known as a fixed bridge. This procedure is used to replace one or more missing teeth. Fixed bridges cannot be taken out of your mouth as you might do with removable partial dentures.
2. Resin Bonded Bridges
The resin bonded is primarily used for your front teeth. Now, this bridge less is best used because of less strenght Recently, It is used as a temporary teeth for implant healing.
Resin Bonded Bridges

Fix Bridges Procedure
– It takes two or three appointments to restore your mouth with a bridge. This is because the bridge must be custom hand-crafted in a dental laboratory to precisely fit your bite and teeth.

– These are the steps necessary to produce your new bridges:
Fix Bridges Procedure

First Appointment
• – Your tooth is numbed with a topical or local anesthetic.
• – Any decay is removed.
• – The teeth are shaped with a hand piece. The cosmetic dentist will remove the area of each abutment (teeth on either side of the space) to accommodate for the thickness of the crown.
• – We take a precise impression of your teeth, the bridge, false tooth and crowns will be made by a dental laboratory.
• A temporary bridge will be placed for you to wear while your bridge is being made. This temporary bridge will serve to protect your teeth and gums. This usually takes three days or one week.
• – Sometimes, even with meticulous care, temporary bridges may become loose between visits. If this should occur, please place the temporary bridge back on your tooth immediately and hold the temporary in place until you can schedule an appointment. If you can not replace the temporary bridge yourself, put it in a safe place and call the office. We will be happy to recement it for you at the earliest possible moment.
– Home care is extremely important while your temporary bridge is in place. The health of your gum tissue and the success of your final restoration depends upon it. Please do not be afraid to clean your teeth between visits.
Second Appointment
• Your temporary bridge is removed and your new permanent bridge is fitted. Your new permanent bridge will be checked and adjusted for any bite discrepancies.
• When you and the dentist are satisfied with the fit and bite, the bridge is permanently cemented in place.
It is not unusual for the new bridge, it can light sensitive to temperatures for a few weeks. However, if the sensitivity is severe, does not subside, or if the bite feels uncomfortable, contact your dentist. Further adjustments to the bridge may be necessary
Caring for Your Bridge
Your bridge depends on the health of nearby teeth and gums for support. Always clean your bridge and the rest of your mouth carefully. Ask your dentist whether special cleaning aids for bridges would help you.
Brush after each meal. Brush the surfaces and sides of your bridge like you do your natural teeth. Use an interdental brush to clean between large spaces.
Floss at least once a day to clean food and bacteria from between teeth and at the gum line. It is not possible to floss between the replacement tooth and the attaching crowns. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to use a special type of floss to go under the replacement tooth and keep this area of gum tissue healthy. Special thick floss can help keep your bridge clean.
Dental Visits
See your dentist at least twice a year for a cleaning and checkup. These dental visits help keep your teeth and gums in good condition. Your dentist can also check to be sure there are no problems with your bridge. If you do notice a problem, especially if your bridge is loose, call your dentist right away. Never try to fix your bridge yourself.
Advantages of dental bridges:
Bridges can reduce your risk of gum disease, help correct some bite issues and even improve your speech. Bridges require your commitment to serious oral hygiene, it will last as many ten years or more.

Appearance is another important reason for wearing a bridge, which helps to support your lips and cheeks. A missing tooth may cause your mouth to sink and your face to look older. Missing teeth can also cause speech disorders
Disadvantages of having dental bridges:
It is common for your teeth to be mildly sensitive to extreme temperatures for a few weeks after the treatment. The build up of bacteria formed from food acids on your teeth and gums can become infected if proper oral hygiene is not followed.
Bridges have to cut down (prep) the teeth on each side of the missing tooth. This process is irreversible