Implants replacement of several teeth

IMPLANTS REPLACEMENT OF SEVERAL TEETH In certain cases, such as the example shown here, a bridge suported by dental implants may be the only fixed solution for the replacement of missing teeth. Traditional dentures simply cannot offer the same stability or function, particularly for the teeth in the back of the mouth. Having dental implants […]

Implant replacement for full upper and lower jaw

The conventional method of replacing all the teeth in a jaw is with a complete denture. If the jaw bone does not provide sufficient support, sometimes surgical procedures can be done to improve support and retention for the complete denture. These surgical procedures can include moving the position of muscle attachments or placing bone grafts. […]

Immediate implants

  Due to implant material, techniques and technological developments, the completion time for conventional dental implants has now been cut short from 8 months to 3 months. In cases where bone condition and density are favourable, dental implants can now be embedded after tooth extraction. Such techniques being referred to as immediate implants, one-day implants, […]

How to maintain dental implants

Many people are opting for dental implants these days because dental implants fit, feel and function like natural teeth. A dental implant is a small, strong, titanium post that acts the same as a man-made tooth root. The implant is gently placed into the upper or lower jawbone. The entire process is accomplished with a […]

Benefits of full arch implants with fixed bridge

– A fixed permanent restoration for individauls who has lost all their teeth – Lets you eat and function like having natural teeth – A solid, stable solution relative to dentures – Preserves your facial appearance and prevents bone loss – Immediate Function in mandible and maxilla – Gives a nice natural smile, better esthetic […]

Benefist of full arch implant with overdentures

– Denture stablized with implants – Possible to use existing dentures – Removable – Simple and Inexpensive – Offers a long-lasting solution, often for life – Renewed confidence and improved quality of life as well Installing Full Arch Implants with Overdentures The course of treatment described here is one of several options available. Consult your […]